mergDropboxSync is an iOS external for interacting with a user's Dropbox account. The external enables you to upload
and download files, create folders and manage the files on the user's Dropbox account. mergDropboxSync includes the Dropbox Sync SDK for iOS by Evenflow, Inc. The Dropbox Sync SDK handles all the syncing of files for you and allows you to interact with your app directory just like a local file system. The minimum iOS version the SDK supports is 5.1.
Copyright (c) 2010 Dropbox (Evenflow, Inc.), Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
command mergDropboxSetup pAppKey,pAppSecret
Initialises the Dropbox SDK with your Dropbox app details. Create your app at
- pAppKey - the application key for your Dropbox app
- pAppSecret - the application secred for your Dropbox app
command mergDropboxLink
Link the user's Dropbox account with your Dropbox app. After invoking this command, a "urlWakeUp" message will be sent to the stack when the user has finished linking the app. Your stack needs to respond to this by passing the URL to mergDropboxHandleOpenURL. Note that for this to work you also need to set your app to respond to the custom URL scheme defined "db-"+your Dropbox app key, in the Standalone Application Settings.
command mergDropboxUnlink
Unlink the user's account with your Dropbox app
command mergDropboxHandleOpenURL pURL
Called after linking to update the SDK. To enable your iOS app to recieve the urlWakeUp message enter "db-"+your Dropbox app key
- pURL - the url that dropbox lauches your app with after authentication
Code sample
on urlWakeUp pURL mergDropboxHandleOpenURL pURL end urlWakeUp |
function mergDropboxIsLinked
Checks to see if the user's account is linked to your Dropbox app. Note that when your app returns from linking the value will not be true until you have called mergDropboxHandleOpenURL.
Returns boolean
function mergDropboxCompletedFirstSync
Checks to see if the filesystem as completed the first sync and is ready to use.
Returns boolean
Code sample
on preOpenStack if the environment is "mobile" then mergDropboxSetup "yourappkey","yourappsecret","app" if mergDropboxIsLinked() then -- change ui to allow user to unlink account else -- change ui to allow user to link account end if end if end preOpenStack |
function mergDropboxGetFolders pFolder
Get a list of folders in a folder.
- pFolder - A path to the folder
Returns The list of folders
function mergDropboxGetFiles pFolder
Get a list of files in a folder.
- pFolder - A path to the folder
Returns The list of folders
command mergDropboxCreateFolder pPath
Create a folder at pPath
- pPath - A path to the folder
command mergDropboxDeletePath pPath
Delete a file or folder at pPath
- pPath - A path to a file or folder
command mergDropboxWriteFile pFilePath,pData
Write a file. If there's already a file at pFilePath it will be overwritten.
- pFilePath - A path to a file
- pData - The data to write to the file
function mergDropboxGetFile pFilePath
Get the data for a file
- pFilePath - A path to a file
Returns The data of the file
function mergDropboxGetFileStatus pFilePath
Get the current status of the file.
- pFilePath - A path to a file
Returns The file status with the following items:
- cached - true if the file is cached locally which means you should be able to use mergDropboxGetFile without considerable blocking
- status - one of downloading,uploading or idle
- progress - a value between 0 and 1
- error - a description of any error related to the file
message mergDropboxUpdate
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxSetup whenever the SDK notices a change to the files in the Dropbox.