
mergGoogle is an iOS and OS X external that currently implements the google spreadsheets api

function mergGoogleAuth pScope,pClientID,pSecret,pKeychainItemName

Look in the keychain for valid authentication data and if not found present an authentication dialog.


  • pScope - The scope of the authentication as urls separated by space. For spreadsheets use ""
  • pClientID - Your client ID obtained from
  • pSecret - Your client secret obtained from
  • pKeychainItemName - A string used to save the authentication data to.

Returns An id for the saved authentication data or an error string

command mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize pAuth

Initialise the spreadsheet client with the authentication data


  • pAuth - An id as returned by mergGoogleAuth


command mergGoogleLoadSpreadsheets

Load the user's spreadsheets. The mergGoogleSpreadsheetsLoaded and mergGoogleLoadSpreadsheetsError message is sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize

message mergGoogleSpreadsheetsLoaded pSpreadsheets

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pSpreadsheets - A tab delimited list of spreadsheets with item 1 being the spreadsheet identifier and item 2 being the title of the spreasheet.

message mergGoogleLoadSpreadsheetsError pError

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pError - An error message describing the reason for the failure to load the spreadsheets.


command mergGoogleLoadWorksheets [pSpreadsheet]

Load a specific worksheet from a given spreadsheet. The mergGoogleWorksheetsLoaded and mergGoogleLoadWorksheetsError message is sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize


  • pSpreadsheet - (optional with "" default) A spreadsheet identifier as returned by the mergGoogleSpreadsheetsLoaded message. If empty or no parameter passed then the spreadsheet will be the currently loaded spreadsheet.

message mergGoogleWorksheetsLoaded pSpreadsheet,pWorksheets

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pSpreadsheet - The identifier of the spreadsheet that the worksheets were loaded from.
  • pWorksheets - A tab delimited list of worksheets with item 1 being the worksheet identifier, item 2 being the title of the worksheet, item 3 the row count and item 4 being the column count.

message mergGoogleLoadWorksheetsError pError

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pError - An error message describing the reason for the failure to load the worksheets.

command mergGoogleCreateWorksheet pTitle,[pSpreadsheet],[pColums],[pRows]

Create a new worksheet in a given spreadsheet. The mergGoogleWorksheetCreated and mergGoogleCreateWorksheetError message is sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize


  • pTitle - A title for the new worksheet
  • pSpreadsheet - (optional with "" default) A spreadsheet identifier as returned by the mergGoogleSpreadsheetsLoaded message. If empty or no parameter passed then the spreadsheet will be the currently loaded spreadsheet.
  • pColums - (optional with -1 default) The number of columns in the new worksheet. The default value of -1 will leave this value unset.
  • pRows - (optional with -1 default) The number of rows in the new worksheet. The default value of -1 will leave this value unset.

message mergGoogleWorksheetCreated pWorksheet

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pWorksheet - The identifier of the newly created worksheet

message mergGoogleCreateWorksheetError pError

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pError - An error message describing the reason for the failure to create the worksheet.

command mergGoogleUpdateWorksheet pTitle,[pWorksheet],[pColums],[pRows]

Update a given worksheet. The mergGoogleWorksheetCreated and mergGoogleCreateWorksheetError message is sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize


  • pTitle - A title for the worksheet
  • pWorksheet - (optional with "" default) A spreadsheet identifier as returned by the mergGoogleWorksheetsLoaded message. If empty or no parameter passed then the worksheet will be the currently loaded worksheet.
  • pColums - (optional with -1 default) The number of columns in the worksheet. The default value of -1 will leave this value unset.
  • pRows - (optional with -1 default) The number of rows in the worksheet. The default value of -1 will leave this value unset.

message mergGoogleWorksheetUpdated pWorksheet

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pWorksheet - The identifier of the newly created worksheet

message mergGoogleUpdateWorksheetError pError

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pError - An error message describing the reason for the failure to create the worksheet.

command mergGoogleDeleteWorksheet [pWorksheet]

Delete a worksheet from a given spreadsheet


  • pWorksheet - (optional with "" default) A spreadsheet identifier as returned by the mergGoogleWorksheetsLoaded message. If empty or no parameter passed then the worksheet will be the currently loaded worksheet.

message mergGoogleWorksheetDeleted pWorksheet

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pWorksheet - The identifier of the deleted worksheet.

message mergGoogleDeleteWorksheetError pWorksheet,pError

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pWorksheet - The identifier of the deleted worksheet.
  • pError - An error message describing the reason for the failure to delete the worksheet.


command mergGoogleLoadCells [pWorksheet]

Load the cells for a given worksheet


  • pWorksheet - (optional with "" default) A worksheet identifier as returned by the mergGoogleWorksheetsLoaded message. If empty or no parameter passed then the worksheet will be the currently loaded worksheet.

message mergGoogleCellsLoaded pWorksheet,pCellCount

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pWorksheet - The identifier of the worksheet that the cells were loaded from.
  • pCellCount - The total number of cells loaded

message mergGoogleLoadCellsError pError

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pError - An error message describing the reason for the failure to load the cells.

function mergGoogleGetValueForCell pRow,pColumn,[pInputString]

Get the value of a cell in the loaded worksheet


  • pRow - The cell row number
  • pColumn - The cell column number
  • pInputString - (optional with false default) If there is a formula for the cell then return that instead of the result value

Returns objc-string

function mergGoogleGetAllCellValues [pInputString]

Get all the cells of the loaded worksheet in tab and return delimited format


  • pInputString - (optional with false default) If there is a formula for the cell then return that instead of the result value

Returns objc-string

command mergGoogleSetValueForCell pRow,pColumn,pValue,[pWorksheet]

Set the value of a cell in a given worksheet. It's not necessary to load the worksheet cells in order to set the value of a cell.


  • pRow - The cell row number
  • pColumn - The cell column number
  • pValue - The value to set the cell to
  • pWorksheet - (optional with "" default) A spreadsheet identifier as returned by the mergGoogleWorksheetsLoaded message. If empty or no parameter passed then the worksheet will be the currently loaded worksheet.

message mergGoogleCellValueSet pRow,pColumn

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pRow -
  • pColumn -

message mergGoogleSetCellValueError pError

Sent to the control that called mergGoogleSpreadsheetsInitialize.


  • pError - An error message describing the reason for the failure to set the cell value.