mergDropbox is an iOS external for interacting with a user's Dropbox account. The external enables you to upload
and download files, create folders and manage the files on the user's Dropbox account. mergDropbox includes the Dropbox SDK for iOS by Evenflow, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2010 Dropbox (Evenflow, Inc.), Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
command mergDropboxSetup pAppKey,pAppSecret,pAccessType
Initialises the Dropbox SDK with your Dropbox app details. Create your app at
- pAppKey - the application key for your Dropbox app
- pAppSecret - the application secred for your Dropbox app
- pAccessType - the access type of your Dropbox app which will be one of:
- app - the root of the path is the app folder
- dropbox - the root of the path is the Dropbox folder
command mergDropboxLink
Link the user's Dropbox account with your Dropbox app
command mergDropboxUnlink
Unlink the user's account with your Dropbox app
command mergDropboxHandleOpenURL pURL
Called after linking to update the SDK. To enable your iOS app to recieve the urlWakeUp message enter "db-"+your Dropbox app key
- pURL - the url that dropbox lauches your app with after authentication
Code sample
on urlWakeUp pURL mergDropboxHandleOpenURL pURL end urlWakeUp |
function mergDropboxIsLinked
Checks to see if the user's account is linked to your Dropbox app.
Returns boolean
command mergDropboxLoadAccountInfo
Loads the user's account info.
Code sample
on preOpenStack if the environment is "mobile" then mergDropboxSetup "yourappkey","yourappsecret","app" if mergDropboxIsLinked() then -- change ui to allow user to unlink account mergDropboxLoadAccountInfo else -- change ui to allow user to link account end if end if end preOpenStack on mergDropboxAccountInfoLoaded pDisplayName,pUserId,pCountry,pReferralURL,pQuota put "Hi "&pDisplayName&" you have used "&round((item 1 of pQuota + item 2 of pQuota) / item 3 of pQuota * 100)&"% of your dropbox space." into fld "account" end mergDropboxAccountInfoLoaded on mergDropboxLoadAccountInfoError pError answer "There was an error loading account info: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxAccountInfoError |
command mergDropboxUpload pFileName,pDropboxPath,pLocalPath,[pParentRev]
Upload a file to the user's Dropbox account.
- pFileName - the name you want the file to have
- pDropboxPath - the folder you want the file to go in
- pLocalPath - the full local path of the file
- pParentRev - (optional with "" default) the parent rev if the file has been downloaded and edited. For new uploads leave as the default empty.
command mergDropboxCancelUpload pDropboxPath
Cancel an upload in progress.
- pDropboxPath - the path the file would be uploaded to
message mergDropboxUploaded pDropboxPath,pLocalPath,pRev
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxUpload when the file upload is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path the file was be uploaded to
- pLocalPath - the full local path of the file being uploaded
- pRev - the revison of the file (required for re-uploading another copy of the local file)
message mergDropboxUploadProgress pDropboxPath,pLocalPath,pProgress
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxUpload while the file is uploading.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path the file was be uploaded to
- pLocalPath - the full local path of the file being uploaded
- pProgress - the ratio of the file uploaded (0=0% , 1=100%)
message mergDropboxUploadError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxUpload when there is an upload error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp set the visible of the templateImage to false mobilePickPhoto "library",320,480 put the seconds&".png" into tFilename export image 1 to file (the documents folder&fld "path"&tFilename) as PNG delete image 1 mergDropboxUpload tFilename,fld "path",the documents folder&fld "path"&tFilename end mouseUp on mergDropboxUploadProgress pDropboxPath,pLocalPath,pProgress set the itemDel to "/" put "Upload progress for "&item -1 of pDropboxPath&": "&round(pProgress*100)&"%" into fld "progress" end mergDropboxUploadProgress on mergDropboxUploaded pDropboxPath,pLocalPath,pRev put "" into fld "progress" end mergDropboxUploaded on mergDropboxUploadError pError answer "There was an error uploading: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxUploadError |
command mergDropboxDownload pDropboxPath,pLocalPath,[pRev]
Download a file.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file
- pLocalPath - the full local path to download the file to
- pRev - (optional with "" default) the revision of the file you want to download with empty downloading the most recent
command mergDropboxCancelDownload pDropboxPath
Cancel an download in progress.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file
message mergDropboxDownloaded pLocalPath,pContentType,pRev
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxDownload when the file download is complete.
- pLocalPath - the full local path to save the file to
- pContentType - the content type of the file
- pRev - the revison of the file (required for re-uploading another copy of the local file)
message mergDropboxDownloadProgress pLocalPath,pProgress
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxDownload while the file is downloading.
- pLocalPath - the full local path of the file being downloaded
- pProgress - the ratio of the file downloaded (0=0% , 1=100%)
message mergDropboxDownloadError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxDownload when there is a download error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp set the visible of the templateImage to false mobilePickPhoto "library",320,480 put the seconds&".png" into tFilename export image 1 to file (the documents folder&fld "path"&tFilename) as PNG delete image 1 mergDropboxUpload tFilename,fld "path",the documents folder&fld "path"&tFilename end mouseUp on mergDropboxDownloadProgress pLocalPath,pProgress set the itemDel to "/" put "Download progress for "&item -1 of pLocalPath&": "&round(pProgress*100)&"%" into fld "progress" end mergDropboxDownloadProgress on mergDropboxDownloaded pLocalPath,pContentType,pRev put "" into fld "progress" mergDocShowPreview pLocalPath end mergDropboxDownloaded on mergDropboxDownloadError pError answer "There was an error uploading: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxDownloadError |
command mergDropboxLoadMetadata pDropboxPath
Load the metadata for a folder or file. Once loaded you can use the mergDropboxGetMetadataProperty function.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file or folder
message mergDropboxMetadataLoaded pDropboxPath
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadMetadata when the load is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file or folder
message mergDropboxLoadMetadataError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadMetadata when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
function mergDropboxGetMetadataProperty pDropboxPath,pProperty,[pMetadataDropboxPath]
Query individual metadata properties of a folder or file.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file or folder
- pProperty - the metadata property you would like returned which will be one of:
- thumbnail exists - true if there is a thumbnail available to load for the path
- total bytes - a number representing the total bytes of the path
- last modified date - in long seconds form
- client modified time - in long seconds form
- path - the path from the root of your app
- is folder - true if the metadata is for a folder
- files - a return delimited list of file paths in the folder
- folders - a return delimited list of folder paths in the folder
- hash - the hash of the path
- human readable size - the size of the path in a human readable form
- root - the root of the path
- icon - the icon of the path
- rev - the revision of the path which should be used if modifying and re-uploading a file
- is deleted - true if the file is deleted
- filename - the filename of the path
- pMetadataDropboxPath - (optional with "" default) the Dropbox path of the file or folder you want the metadata of. This must be a loaded path or a file or folder under a loaded path otherwise a "path not found" error will be thrown.
Returns The property queried.
Code sample
on mouseUp mergDropboxLoadMetadata fld "path" end mouseUp on mergDropboxMetadataLoaded pDropboxPath put mergDropboxGetMetadataProperty(pDropboxPath,"folders") into fld "folders" put mergDropboxGetMetadataProperty(pDropboxPath,"files") into fld "files" repeat for each line tLine in fld "files" checkIfLocalFileNeedsUpdate tLine,mergDropboxGetMetadataProperty(pDropboxPath,"rev",tLine) end repeat end mergDropboxMetadataLoaded on mergDropboxLoadMetadataError pError answer "There was an error loading metadata: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxLoadMetadataError |
command mergDropboxCreateFolder pDropboxPath
Creates a new folder in the user's Dropbox.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the folder you want created
message mergDropboxFolderCreated pDropboxPath
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxCreateFolder when the load is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file or folder
message mergDropboxCreateFolderError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxCreateFolder when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp mergDropboxCreateFolder fld "path" end mouseUp on mergDropboxFolderCreated pDropboxPath -- upload some files into it end mergDropboxFolderCreated on mergDropboxCreateFolderError pError answer "There was an error creating the folder: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxCreateFolderError |
command mergDropboxDelete pDropboxPath
Delete a folder or file.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path you want to delete
message mergDropboxDeleted pDropboxPath
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxDelete when the load is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file or folder
message mergDropboxDeleteError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxDelete when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp mergDropboxDelete fld "path" end mouseUp on mergDropboxDeleted pDropboxPath put "" into fld "path" end mergDropboxDeleted on mergDropboxDeleteError pError answer "There was an error deleteing the file: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxDeleteError |
command mergDropboxCopy pDropboxFromPath,pDropboxToPath
Copy a file or folder.
- pDropboxFromPath - the Dropbox path you want to copy from
- pDropboxToPath - the Dropbox path you want to copy to
message mergDropboxCopied pDropboxFromPath,pDropboxToPath
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxCopy when the load is complete.
- pDropboxFromPath - the Dropbox path copied from
- pDropboxToPath - the Dropbox path copied to
message mergDropboxCopyError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxCopy when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp set the itemDel to "." mergDropboxCopy fld "path",item 1 to -2 of fld "path"&" copy.jpg" end mouseUp on mergDropboxCopied pDropboxFromPath,pDropboxToPath answer "File copied from "&pDropboxFromPath&" to "&pDropboxToPath end mergDropboxCopied on mergDropboxCopyError pError answer "There was an error copying the file: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxCopyError |
command mergDropboxMove pDropboxFromPath,pDropboxToPath
- pDropboxFromPath - the full Dropbox path you want to move from
- pDropboxToPath - the full Dropbox path of the path you want to move to
message mergDropboxMoved pDropboxFromPath,pDropboxToPath
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxMove when the load is complete.
- pDropboxFromPath - the Dropbox path moved from
- pDropboxToPath - the Dropbox path moved to
message mergDropboxMoveError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxMove when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp set the itemDel to "." mergDropboxMove fld "path",item 1 to -2 of fld "path"&" copy.jpg" end mouseUp on mergDropboxMoved pDropboxFromPath,pDropboxToPath answer "File moved from "&pDropboxFromPath&" to "&pDropboxToPath end mergDropboxMoved on mergDropboxMoveError pError answer "There was an error moving the file: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxMoveError |
command mergDropboxLoadRevisions pDropboxPath,[pLimit]
Loads a list of revisions for a file.
- pDropboxPath - the full Dropbox path you want to load revisions for
- pLimit - (optional with 10 default) a maximum limit to the number of revisions returned
message mergDropboxRevisionsLoaded pDropboxPath,pDropboxPath
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadRevisions when the load is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file
- pDropboxPath - a list of revisions (one per line) with three items: revison code, last modified date in long seconds format and total bytes.
message mergDropboxLoadRevisionsError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadRevisions when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp mergDropboxLoadRevisions fld "path" end mouseUp on mergDropboxRevisionsLoaded pDropboxPath,pRevisions set the uRevisions of this stack to pRevisons repeat for each line tLine in pRevisions put item 2 of pRevisions into tDate convert tDate to abbrev date and time put tDate&cr after tList end repeat put tList into btn "pick revision" end mergDropboxRevisionsLoaded on mergDropboxLoadRevisionsError pError answer "There was an error loading the file revisions: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxLoadRevisionsError |
command mergDropboxRestore pDropboxPath,pRev
Restores a file to a specified revision.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file
- pRev - the revision you want the file restored to
message mergDropboxRestored pDropboxPath
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxRestore when the load is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file
message mergDropboxRestoreError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxRestore when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp mergDropboxRestore the uFile of this stack,the uRev of this stack end mouseUp on mergDropboxRestored pDropboxPath answer "Whew... I'm glad Dropbox had a backup." end mergDropboxRestored on mergDropboxRestoreError pError answer "There was an error restoring the file: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxRestoreError |
command mergDropboxLoadSharableURL pDropboxPath
- pDropboxPath - the full Dropbox path you want the sharable url for
message mergDropboxSharableURLLoaded pDropboxPath,pURL
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadSharableURL when the load is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file
- pURL - the sharable url for the file
message mergDropboxLoadSharableURLError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadSharableURL when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp mergDropboxLoadSharableURL fld "path" end mouseUp on mergDropboxSharableURLLoaded pDropboxPath,pURL mergTweet "Check this out!",pURL end mergDropboxSharableURLLoaded on mergDropboxLoadSharableURLError pError answer "There was an error loading the URL: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxLoadSharableURLError |
command mergDropboxLoadStreamableURL pDropboxPath
- pDropboxPath - the full Dropbox path you want the streamable url for
message mergDropboxStreamableURLLoaded pDropboxPath,pURL
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadStreamableURL when the load is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file or folder
- pURL - the streamable url for the file
message mergDropboxLoadStreamableURLError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadStreamableURL when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp mergDropboxLoadStreamableURL fld "path" end mouseUp on mergDropboxStreamableURLLoaded pDropboxPath,pURL play video pURL end mergDropboxStreamableURLLoaded on mergDropboxLoadStreamableURLError pError answer "There was an error loading the URL: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxLoadStreamableURLError |
command mergDropboxLoadSearch pDropboxPath,pKeyword
- pDropboxPath - the full Dropbox path you want to search
- pKeyword - the keyword to search for
message mergDropboxSearchLoaded pDropboxPath,pDropboxPathsFound
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadSearch when the load is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path searched
- pDropboxPathsFound - the Dropbox paths of files foind for the keyword
message mergDropboxLoadSearchError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadSearch when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp mergDropboxLoadSearch fld "path",fld "search" end mouseUp on mergDropboxSearchLoaded pDropboxPath,pDropboxPathsFound put pDropboxPathsFound fld "files" end mergDropboxSearchLoaded on mergDropboxLoadSearchError pError answer "There was an error loading search: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxLoadSearchError |
command mergDropboxLoadThumbnail pDropboxPath,pLocalPath,[pSize]
Downloads a thumbnail image of the specified size
- pDropboxPath - the full Dropbox path of the file
- pLocalPath - the full local path to Dropbox the thumbnail to
- pSize - (optional with "xs" default) the thumbnail size which will be one of:
- xs - 32x32
- s - 64x64
- m - 128x128
- l - 640x480
- xl - 1024x768
command mergDropboxCancelThumbnailLoad pDropboxPath,pSize
- pDropboxPath - the full Dropbox path of the file
- pSize - the thumbnail size which will be one of:
- xs - 32x32
- s - 64x64
- m - 128x128
- l - 640x480
- xl - 1024x768
message mergDropboxThumbnailLoaded pDropboxPath,pLocalPath
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadThumbnail when the load is complete.
- pDropboxPath - the Dropbox path of the file
- pLocalPath - the local path where the file has been saved
message mergDropboxThumbnailLoadError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadThumbnail when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp mergDropboxLoadThumbnail fld "path","m" end mouseUp on mergDropboxThumbnailLoaded pDropboxPath,pLocalPath put url ("binfile:"&pLocalPath) into image "thumb" end mergDropboxThumbnailaLoaded on mergDropboxLoadThumbnailError pError answer "There was an error loading the thumbnail image : "&cr&pError end mergDropboxLoadThumbnailError |
command mergDropboxLoadDelta pCursor
Loads a list of changed files since the cursor was generated.
- pCursor - the cursor returned by the last load of a delta. Empty the first time.
message mergDropboxDeltaLoaded pFiles,pCursor,pShouldRest,pHasMore
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadDelta when the load is complete.
- pFiles - a list of modified or new files
- pCursor - the cursor required for next time the delta requested
- pShouldRest - true if the local cache or files should be reset which is rare and mainly cause by a user deleting the folder
- pHasMore - true if the number of changes were to high to return all of them in one request so you need to repeat the call to get the rest using the original cursor within 5 minutes to get the next batch
message mergDropboxLoadDeltaError pError
Sent to the control that called mergDropboxLoadDelta when there is an error.
- pError - the error the from the Dropbox SDK
Code sample
on mouseUp put "" into fld "files" if there is a file (the documents folder&"/deltaCursor.dat") then put url ("binfile:"&the documents folder&"/deltaCursor.dat") into tCursor else put "" into tCursor end if mergDropboxLoadDelta tCursor end mouseUp on mergDropboxDeltaLoaded pResults,pCursor,pShouldReset,pHasMore if fld "files" <> "" then put cr after fld "files" put pResults after fld "files" if pHasMore then mergDropboxLoadDelta pCursor end if put pCursor into url ("binfile:"&the documents folder&"/deltaCursor.dat") end mergDropboxDeltaLoaded on mergDropboxLoadDeltaError pError answer "There was an error loading changes: "&cr&pError end mergDropboxLoadDeltaError |