
mergTweet is an iOS external that adds a command to send a tweet message.

mergTweet Syntax

command mergTweet pBody,[pURLs],[pImagePaths]

Syntax example:

mergTweet fld "body"
mergTweet "mergExt rules!",""
mergTweet "mergExt rules!","",tImagePath

Sends a tweet


  • pBody - the body of the tweet
  • pURLs - (optional) a comma delimted list of urls to add to the tweet
  • pImagePaths - (optional) a comma delimted list of image paths to add to the tweet

Sets the result to one of:

  • not configured
  • mergTweet: Error: body does not fit in available character space
  • mergTweet: Error: url does not fit in available character space
  • mergTweet: Error: image does not fit in available character space
  • mergTweet: Error: can’t send tweet
  • mergTweet: tweet presented

function mergTweetCanSend()

Syntax example:

if mergTweetCanSend() then show btn "send"

Checks to see if the device is configured to send a tweet. the Twitter framework is iOS 5 and up.

Returns true or false